
By heiry on 2019-10-15 [ in 管理, 管理思维 ]

霍桑实验(Hawthorne experiments)是管理学史上著名实验,是泰勒制管理思维转向行为主义、人本主义等多元化管理思维的重要开端。上世纪初,美国工业空前迅猛发展,受科学管理学派的影响和指导,标准化、规范化、流水线等先进管理手段大规模运用到生产中,极大地提高了生产效率。然而,伴随的问题也接踵而至,罢工、员工频繁流动等社会问题也困扰着产业发展。当时在芝加哥的众多纺织厂里,员工们的离职率、流动率很高,这些离职的员工并没有离开纺织业,只是换了一家工厂,而这些纺织厂的条件和待遇都相差不大。类似的情况在各行各业大量涌现。

1924年,美国国家研究委员会(National Research Council)和洛克菲勒基金会(Rockefeller Foundation)支持下,在大型工业企业西部电气霍桑工厂进行系列管理实验,试图找出能提高生产效率的工作条件因素。然而,实验进行了三年,至1927年,仍未取得实质性进展。于是,研究队伍邀请了哈佛大学商学院(Harvard Business School)教授埃尔顿•梅奥(Elton Mayo)及其门徒弗里茨•j•罗特里斯伯格(Fritz J. Roethlisberger)加入。随后的实验延续到了1932年,在此实验期间,多种举措使得生产效率得到了提高。



In the 1920s Elton Mayo, a professor of Industrial Management at Harvard Business School, and his protégé Fritz J. Roethlisberger led a landmark study of worker behavior at Western Electric, the manufacturing arm of AT&T. Unprecedented in scale and scope, the nine-year study took place at the massive Hawthorne Works plant outside of Chicago and generated a mountain of documents, from hourly performance charts to interviews with thousands of employees. Harvard Business School’s role in the experiments represented a milestone in the dawn of the human relations movement and a shift in the study of management from a scientific to a multi-disciplinary approach. Baker Library’s exhaustive archival record of the experiments reveals the art and science of this seminal behavioral study—and the questions and theories it generated about the relationship of productivity to the needs and motivations of the industrial worker.


From the time of its founding in 1876, AT&T’s rapid and pervasive expansion gave it a virtual monopoly over the telephone industry until the time of its break-up in 1984. Like other conglomerates of its day, the Bell Telephone System, as the entire enterprise was known, combined production, distribution, and marketing under one corporation as a way to centralize its operations and eliminate competition. Western Electric, the manufacturing unit of the company, produced telephones, cables, transmission equipment, and switching equipment.

Construction of the Western Electric Hawthorne Works on over 100 acres in Cicero, Illinois, began in 1905. By 1929 more than 40,000 men and women reported to work at the massive plant, which included offices, factories, a hospital, fire brigade, laundry facilities, and a greenhouse. Employees were assigned to precisely measured tasks in highly specialized departments, from switchboard wiring to punch-and-die tool making. The manufacture of some equipment, such as automatic telephone exchanges, required hundreds of separate assembly and inspection operations, and Western Electric became one of the forerunners in applying scientific management (inspired in part by Frederick Taylor’s time and motion studies) to its production units.


In the early 1900s labor unions, social reformers, journalists, and photographers brought to national attention poor working conditions experienced by industrial workers. In the ensuing economic climate of the late 1920s and 1930s, many executives came to believe that the foundation of business and of a democratic society itself rested in part in affirming the role of the worker. To inspire company loyalty, discourage high employee turnover and unionization, and present a good face to the public, corporate managers began to focus on the well-being of the employee through the practice of welfare capitalism.

In addition to pensions, sick pay, disability benefits, and stock purchase plans, Western Electric workers could participate in a range of recreational and educational programs from running meets, tennis games, and baseball leagues to lunchtime concerts, beauty pageants, and evening classes. The company’s accident prevention programs included the introduction of safety shoes, eye goggles, and guards for heavy machinery. To better understand worker productivity and job satisfaction, Western Electric became increasingly interested in studies from the social, behavioral, and medical sciences.


一. 1924-1927年工厂照明实验:Illumination Studies——硬件条件实验


Illumination Study, 1926

二. 1927-1929年继电器装配实验:Relay Assembly Test Room——福利实验


Women in the Relay Assembly Test Room, ca. 1930 Western Electric Company Hawthorne Studies Collection

研究人员不确定生产效率的提高,是因为工作条件改善还是因为女工得到了特殊的关注。1928年,西电公司的主管乔治·佩诺克(George Pennock)向哈佛商学院的埃尔顿·梅奥(Elton Mayo)寻求指导,梅奥及其助手正式加入研究。

Wehe 042

Comparison of Output with Hours of Sleep First Relay Assembly Test Group, ca. 1930 Western Electric Company Hawthorne Studies Collection

在随后的研究中,先后进行了取消生产监督,进行集体奖励和个人奖励等多种实验,生产效率均得到了大幅提高。经过工人的反馈和对数据的分析,Mayo指出:团队中的精神态度、适当的监督和非正式的社会关系是提高生产力和工作满意度的关键。(mental attitudes, proper supervision, and informal social relationships experienced in a group were key to productivity and job satisfaction)

三. 1928-1930年大规模访谈实验:Interview Studies——访谈或关注实验


四. 1931-1932年接线板接线工作室实验——群体实验









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